Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. This is the 40 days before the wonderful celebration of Easter or Resurrection Sunday when we celebrate the Lord Jesus overcoming sin for us! Some years ago I discovered how meaningful Easter will is when one also prepares during the season of Lent. Since then its been an amazing journey as God has taught me many truths during this time of prayer,fasting and alms giving.

Today as I begin my personal observance of Lent I am excited to hear from God as I concentrate some extra time in prayer and Bible reading. As I read thru two devotional books God impressed on me two ideas for this year to consider. First the tradition of giving up something for Lent can also be about giving up a particular "sin" or bad habit, something that does not let Jesus shine in our lives! So then Lent becomes a time to think about true repentance,turning from a particular sin or vice and purposing to not do it any more with God's help. I have 40 days to prayerfully consider what God is telling me I need to work on. I am sure there is a huge list of sins that God sees, I expect to hear about that in the coming days!

Secondly is the tradition of alms giving or acts of charity to those around you or far away. What a great tradition and way to show others the love of God because we know Jesus gave the ultimate gift to all of us. Matthew 6:16-18 indicates no one should know what you are doing when you give alms or do acts of charity. That's very humbling isn't it? We all like to do good deeds, give gifts etc and get a nice thank-you in return! Are we willing to do the same during Lent when no one knows its us, and we do not receive thanks? Jesus seldom received a thank-you for all the healings He did while on earth. We certainly can try to follow Jesus' example and do good in spite of not being appreciated at times.

Both turning from sin and doing good deeds for others will let a little bit of Jesus shine thru us to those around us. How about it, want to join the Lenten journey? Ask God what He wants you to learn and do this year on the Lenten Journey. How will you prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord?


  1. I'd love to see you write a teaching on what Lent actually is. I've heard of it my whole life in vague references, but I've never heard anyone teach on it. Where does the Bible teach on it, or when did we begin observing it?

  2. Ok I'll do a bit of history on Lent. But first I'll have to research, so look for it in upcoming blogs!
